
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We Have Spirit, Yes We Do!
By Lauren Pennell
            Upon first glance, it would seem that Rockhurst is bursting with spirit.  Students wear blue on Fridays.  Rockhurst University stickers can be found on many a car or laptop across campus.  Masses of students can be found sporting Rockhurst hoodies and/or sweatpants to class every single day.
As a whole, Rockhurst seems to have a healthy amount of school pride.  But what does Rockhurst spirit look like under-the-surface, from a more in-depth perspective?  Just how spirited are the organizations directly related to spreading good cheer among Rockhurst students, staff and faculty?  The Rockhurst Dance Team and Spirit Squad may have a ways to go as far as spirit is concerned, but they have already come a long way just in this year alone.
            In years past, an unacknowledged but tangible rivalry existed between the dance team and spirit squad.  Each team was intent upon one-upping the other, making each performance a competition rather than a means to pep up school spirit and support for student athletes.  Members of the dance team would criticize the performance of the spirit squad and members of the spirit squad would criticize the performance of the dance team.  There was a minimal amount of teamwork and cooperation between the two organizations and this took its toll on each team’s ability to effuse campus with enthusiasm, excitement, and spirit.  Students were too busy supporting one team or the other (typically not both) to give proper support to Rockhurst as a whole and all of its athletic teams…which, of course, is the main purpose of the dance team and the spirit squad.
            As last year drew to a close, it became inescapably clear that a change needed to occur, yet no one was sure how to instigate such a change.  Fortunately, said change came about by a new head coach of the cheer squad, a man by the name of Dave Beck.
            It is unclear as to how one alteration could have such an impact on the relationship between the dance team and spirit squad, yet somehow it has.  The difference is undeniable.
“He’s been super open to getting to know us and how things work at this school and he’s been really friendly,” said Susie Bissonnette, captain of the dance team.  “There is going to be a dance combining the dance team and cheerleaders together next semester…that’s never happened in all the years I’ve been here.  This is an opportunity to be more of a spirit team rather than just dance team and cheerleading.”
Former captain of the spirit squad Emily Moehlmann agrees with this assessment.  “With our change in coaches, there’s more friendship between the dance team and the cheer team and there’s more eagerness to do things together and build up the spirit program as a whole,” she said.
As the dance team and spirit squad learn to work together instead of working against each other, Rockhurst spirit is reaching an all-time high.  Even students who are not a part of either organization can feel it, particularly the athletes.
“I've definitely noticed an increase of attendance to athletic events, especially in regards to soccer and volleyball, which helped to provide fun and competitive atmospheres,” said Kendall Hart, a sophomore on the basketball team. 
As tensions diffuse and camaraderie develops between the dance team and spirit squad, a sense of love and pride in Rockhurst prevails.  There can always be more spirit, but with the increase in teamwork, spirit has rarely been stronger here at Rockhurst.

Love the Rockhurst Hawks?  Come watch the spirit squad and dance team perform while cheering on your favorite team when games start up again in January.

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